What is a Pre-Qualification?
Pre-qualification is the act of being prequalified to do work for a client by means of verifying Health, Safety and Environmental programs, key safety performance indicators, OSHA recordkeeping, insurance, and any other criteria needed. A lot of larger companies are using systems like ISNetworld®, Avetta, PEC Premier, and many others, to pre-qualify their contractors before working. For them this is a cost savings, but may not necessarily may mean that for you.
You may find yourself having worked for a customer for many years and they are now requiring you to join some form of a Pre-Qualification Management System to be qualified, or even get your ‘foot-in-the-door’ as a potential vendor. We understand how that can become frustrating. A lot of our customers found themselves in this same situation – and we were there to help them through it.
Contractor Prequalification & Ongoing Monitoring
Streamline the Qualification Process by collecting, reviewing and monitoring your organizations health, safety, environmental, sustainability, financial and procurement information in multiple SCRM online contractor management platforms such as ISNetworld®, ISN®’s.