Employee-level training and certifications are essential for organizational growth, employee satisfaction, and overall success. It empowers both individuals and the companies that employ them. B2B Safety offers multiple solutions to ensure employees understand safety protocols and procedures to prevent accidents and injuries and improve compliance and security.
Online Training Tools
Deliver and track completion of SCORM compliant trainings, site orientations and/or induction videos in ISNetworld. The Online Training Tool also allows Hiring Clients to capture comprehension with customized quizzes and set renewal dates. ISNetworld houses more than 2.8 million employee training records.
Training Qualifications (TQ)
Specify training required for individual tasks and view training results added by contractors and suppliers. ISNetworld currently houses 18 million employee-level training records.
Learning Management System (LMS)
The LMS platform provides complimentary, high-quality, computer-based training materials for contractors and suppliers to satisfy Hiring Client requirements. It features training topics and courses from third-party training providers and can automatically sync with ISNetworld’s Training Qualifications (TQ) Tool. To date, more than 10,000 unique employees have taken more than 30,000 LMS trainings in ISNetworld.
Confirm company and employee-level compliance statuses and training requirements and track on-site statuses by scanning ISN-ID cards when workers arrive and depart job sites. Currently, more than 40% of Hiring Clients use the QuickCheck badging system.
Operator Qualifications (OQ)
Monitor employee-level qualifications for contractors working on United States Department of Transportation (DOT) jurisdiction pipelines. ISNetworld currently houses more than 2.4 billion OQ qualifications and 56 million OQ reports.